Where to get a good passport photo

Getting a passport photo taken has become so simplified you can find numerous step-by-step tutorials on how to take your own with a phone. Given that context, why would anyone hire a photographer for something so simple?

In our case, people hire us because photography is a service. While the image requirements for a passport photo are very specific and there isn’t a lot of opportunity for creative editing or skin smoothing or any of the other tricks photographers often use in their images; there is always an opportunity to look one’s best by learning a few posing tricks as well as getting feedback on expression in a stress-free, supportive environment. Much of the feedback we frequently get relates to the experience of the process and how the service we provide takes the anxiety and frustration out of a seemingly simple task.

While for many, finding the closest and cheapest option possible is the determining factor, we often hear horror stories from people who chose to go for the ‘in-store options found at your local drugstore. As of late, there isn’t a dedicated photo professional on staff, and inevitably one ends up being the subject for an overworked and underpaid cashier. You will get a photo that meets the specifications, but you may end up having an image you’re embarrassed by on a document you have to use for many years to come.

Our process is simple. We provide you with a brief consultation giving you tips on what to wear, how to prepare, and what to expect. When you arrive at our Grand Rapids studio, we make sure you have everything you need to be comfortable whether that’s a cup of tea or a Red Bull. Although we only need one image, we take a few options and then allow for on-site review. You pick the image you prefer and we get it to specification and deliver it to you via email. Once you have the image, you can quickly and painlessly have it printed at a grocery or drugstore of your choice. It’s literally that simple.

When you consider the value of your time, your stress, and your willingness to wait in line, the choice becomes easier. For our modest $150 fee, although we cost a bit more than a store option, we feel that the experience is well worth the difference. Let us take the stress out of the passport photo experience for you.

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